
How does an ignition interlock device work?

Oklahoma residents who have had multiple DUIs will likely be required to have an ignition interlock device installed in their car. This device is meant to help prevent the driver from having access to the vehicle in the event that they are intoxicated. What is an ignition interlock device? An ignition interlock device is…

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Should you agree to a field sobriety test?

Field sobriety tests are typically used when an individual is suspected of driving while drunk or under the influence of mind-altering substances. The tests are used to determine whether an individual has a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or more, which is the legal standard of intoxication. Failing the test could lead to a…

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What is the difference between DWI and DUI in Oklahoma?

DWI or DUI arrests and convictions can be detrimental to Oklahoma residents. Obviously, driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher is dangerous for the drivers, passengers and other vehicles in the vicinity. In fact, DWI and DUI combined injure approximately 2,500 and kill 220 Oklahomans each year. Those convicted of…

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What to do if pulled over for a DUI in Oklahoma

Drinking and driving is never a good idea. Not only are you putting yourself and countless others in serious danger, but doing so can have a far-reaching impact on your career, family life, personal finances and more. Even with that knowledge in mind, there are still times when people make mistakes. If you are…

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Is it illegal to drive after taking medical marijuana?

Oklahoma might have legalized medical marijuana, but it’s still illegal to drive under the influence of drugs. Even if you have a prescription from a doctor, medical marijuana could still impair your judgment, reaction time and decision-making abilities. As a result, the police might arrest you if they catch you driving under the influence…

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Can a marijuana breath test determine impaired driving?

The Oklahoma Legislature recently approved funds for the Department of Transportation to use for marijuana breath testing. The proposed pilot program would equip police officers with this new technology that can determine if a person used marijuana in the past couple of hours. Like alcohol Breathalyzer tests performed roadside, these marijuana tests would be…

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What happens if your CDL is suspended?

If you’re a truck driver and you are based in Oklahoma, your commercial driver’s license (CDL) isn’t just a privilege, it’s how you earn your income. However, commercial licenses can be suspended just as easily as regular licenses. If you rack up too many convictions on your record, your CDL might be suspended for…

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Can you get a DUI if you’re taking muscle relaxants?

Many people in Oklahoma are prescribed muscle relaxers to prevent muscle spasms. While this can greatly increase your quality of life, it can also hinder your ability to drive. You might be surprised to learn that you can be charged with a DUI even if you’re taking drugs that were prescribed by your doctor….

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Driving under the influence of drugs

According to the federal National Traffic Safety Administration, many drivers who are pulled over by Oklahoma authorities are actually under the influence of drugs rather than alcohol. However, those drugs are not all illegal, as some may be prescriptions. Nevertheless, being under the influence of any type of drugs poses a danger to all…

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The myth of the vanishing DUI when moving out of state

Residents of Oklahoma might want to learn that certain myths surround a move to a new state during a pending DUI conviction. You will want to be aware that because of two interstate compacts, the Driver’s License Compact and the Nonresident Violator Compact, your DUI is sure to follow you if you move. What…

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