
Drivers’ license revocation after an Oklahoma DUI

Oklahoma drivers face numerous penalties after a DUI. The first thing that they need to worry about is the criminal sanction. Besides that, they may face a revocation of their driver’s license. This proceeding will be automatically triggered when they are convicted of the crime. DUI convictions will result in a license suspension Even…

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How the Erin Swezey Act impacts Oklahoma DUI convictions

The Erin Swezey Act was signed into law in Oklahoma in 2011 to help curtail drunk driving by those who are above the aggravated charge level of 0.15% BAC or if they are a repeat offender under the standard 0.08% BAC impairment level. The higher limit applies even to first DUI convictions. The Swezey…

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Getting charged with a DUI the day after you drank

You may think that you are sober enough to drive the day after you’ve had a heavy night of drinking. However, it’s possible to get charged with a DUI in Oklahoma the day after you drank alcohol. How it happens It can take a while for alcohol to leave your system. If you drank…

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Why your breathalyzer test might be wrong

Can you imagine being pulled over by law enforcement, administered a breathalyzer test, and charged with DUI when you haven’t had a drop of alcohol to drink? While it may be unthinkable to most, these situations do occur. In Oklahoma, there are applied consent laws that state that if you choose to operate a…

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What happens when you have to use an ignition interlock device?

If you have been convicted of driving under the influence in Oklahoma, you can face serious penalties. One of those is possibly being required to have an interlock ignition device in your vehicle when you have to drive. Since 2011, after the state passed the Erin Swezey Act, DUI laws have become even stricter….

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How does a modified driver’s license work?

Individuals convicted of driving under the influence in Oklahoma likely realize they will face sanctions. Repeat offenders might lose their license and even face incarceration. Sometimes, the courts show leniency depending on the circumstances. Allowing a DUI offender to access a modified driver’s license might be an option in some cases. The modified driver…

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What is an officer looking for during a field sobriety test?

Contemporary police officers are trained professionals who are keen to impaired driving when they stop highway motorists. Regardless of whether it is a routine traffic stop or at a sobriety checkpoint, they all use a similar protocol when assessing suspected drivers in Oklahoma. These are called sobriety field tests, and they include differing methods…

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Factors that could enhance your DUI sentence in Oklahoma

DUI offenses are treated harshly in Oklahoma. If you are convicted, you could face several penalties, including jail, stiff fines, community service, and subsequent probation. While a first offense DUI can result in serious penalties, the ones you might face can be even more severe if there was an aggravating factor that could enhance…

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How common is drugged driving today?

Anyone consuming alcohol before getting behind a vehicle’s wheel risks charges of driving under the influence. Not all Oklahoma DUI charges involve drunk driving, though. Many criminal charges revolve around someone’s decision to use drugs before driving. When taking legal or illegal drugs, driving while impaired could lead to a crash and subsequent criminal…

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Do you have to talk to the police if they pull you over?

Some Oklahoma residents spend a lot of time watching crime-related television shows that can confuse them about law enforcement processes. The reality is that just because you saw something on television doesn’t mean that it’s legal in real life. When it comes to being pulled over by the police, there are some things that…

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