
What to do if you are pulled over for drunk driving

An enjoyable night on the town with old friends, maybe some you haven’t seen in a while, could lead to a life-changing traffic stop. Perhaps you innocently had a few cocktails. When the party was over, you decided that you were okay to drive. As you head home, you see the reflection of flashing…

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The dangers of boating under the influence

Most people understand that driving under the influence (DUI) is a crime. Still, they usually only think about cars or motorized vehicles on the road. Fewer people know Oklahoma’s “BUI” law, which stands for boating under the influence. With summer around the corner, it is essential to understand the law in this area, especially…

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Does expungement remove a DUI from my record?

Getting arrested for drunk driving is more than just embarrassing, it can cause significant professional and personal difficulties. Once you have served your time, paid your fines, and completed everything the court asked of you, you can move on … right? Unfortunately, this is not always true. The completion of the sentence does not…

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Is there a marijuana DUI test?

The law is clear: in Oklahoma, it is against the law to drive while under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. But these two substances are not the same thing. Though both impair your driving ability, their effects on the body differ. And one of them is much harder for the authorities to detect…

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What to expect at a victim impact panel

Oklahoma law accounts for multiple types of drunk driving that encompass various punishment levels. They include: DUI – Driving under the influence DWI – Driving while impaired APC – Actual physical control DUI with a child in the vehicle Felony DUI if the arrest occurred within ten years of the first DUI Manslaughter Regardless…

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State bill: Drunk drivers who kill parents must pay child support

A new law considered in Oklahoma would make DUI offenders more financially responsible for the children whose parents died as a result of their unfortunate decision to get behind the wheel when drunk. Lawmakers in the Oklahoma House have introduced a bill that would require drunk drivers whose actions led to the deaths of…

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Options to keep CDL drivers employed and on the road

Having a commercial driver’s license (CDL) suspended, disqualified, or revoked by Service Oklahoma creates uncertainty. In addition to tickets, fines, and increased insurance costs, the consequences could cost you your job. Specific requirements exist to satisfy whatever offense led to license loss to secure reinstatement sooner rather than later. The entire duration will be…

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DUI and great bodily injury in Oklahoma — what are the penalties?

Getting arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving after a car accident can mean serious legal problems. Especially if somebody got seriously hurt. Oklahoma’s statute criminalizing DUI crashes involving bodily injury imposes heavy penalties if those injuries were severe. What is ‘great bodily injury’? The section of the statute dealing specifically with great bodily…

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DUI v. APC: What is the difference?

Almost everyone knows that driving a vehicle after drinking could lead to a DUI (drinking under the influence) charge. But did you know you could face charges even if you’re not behind the wheel? APC or “actual physical control” is a legal charge that could occur if you are found to be in your vehicle…

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How to avoid driving drunk after Thunder and Energy events

Oklahoma City loves its sporting events. Thunder, Energy and Dodgers games reliably draw fans who love the spectacle of sports and the opportunity to relieve a little stress in the form of alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, the length of some sporting events, and their pre-game social rituals, can add up to four or more hours…

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