
What happens during a suspected drunk driving stop?

Seeing the flashing lights of a police vehicle can invoke feelings of fear in some drivers, even if they don’t feel they’ve done anything wrong. For someone who’s had a couple drinks, that fear exponentially multiplies. Understanding what may happen during a traffic stop can benefit someone who’s being accused of drunk driving because…

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Stay off social media while your DUI case is active

Whether you’re a regular or an occasional user, chances are that you log on to at least one social media platform from time to time to share your life updates, opinions and experiences. However, if you’re facing legal challenges due to Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charges, a decision to continue using social media…

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Why stopping for a happy hour drink could lead to a DUI

Motorists in Oklahoma violate impaired driving statutes in many different ways. Some people go to a party or restaurant and then feel as though they have to drive home despite drinking quite a bit. Those involved in car crashes could fail chemical tests and end up arrested. Many others may not even realize that…

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Will coffee or cold showers really sober you up?

The winter holidays have long been associated with food and drink – and a lot of that drink is alcoholic in nature. It’s very easy to end up “overdoing it” at a party or bar, even though you started out with the best of intentions. When it comes time to go home again, is…

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What are the IID requirements after an Oklahoma DUI?

It is normal for those recently arrested for a driving under the influence (DUI) offense in Oklahoma to worry about the consequences that they may face in the event of a conviction. If someone pleads guilty or the criminal courts convict them, the courts have the authority to impose a variety of penalties. Judges…

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Do you have to tell your employer if you’re arrested for a DUI?

A DUI arrest can begin changing your life immediately. If you were arrested and released from jail after posting bail or on your own recognizance, you may have to wait some time before your first hearing before a judge. In the meantime, you won’t have your driver’s license.   You’re likely feeling some combination of…

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Is an Oklahoma DUI a misdemeanor or felony offense?

There are numerous criminal charges that Oklahoma prosecutors can pursue against someone accused of intoxication at the wheel. Those with a slightly elevated blood alcohol concentration (BAC) who are not technically over the legal limit might face driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges. Those with a BAC of over 0.08% and those who demonstrate obvious…

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When can prescription drugs lead to an Oklahoma DUI or APC?

Impaired driving is illegal in every state, although the laws criminalizing intoxication at the wheel are slightly different in every state across the country. In Oklahoma, many people refer to drunk driving charges as driving under the influence (DUI) offenses. However, when looking at criminal statutes, it can be more reasonable to refer to…

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2 ways drunk driving puts someone’s CDL at risk

Securing a commercial driver’s license (CDL) in Oklahoma requires more effort than obtaining a standard driver’s license. There are additional educational and testing requirements, and an individual who obtains a CDL will be subject to more traffic regulations, including federal statutes that do not apply to those in passenger vehicles. One of the realities…

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What are the consequences of repeat DUI charges in Oklahoma? 

Are you facing DUI charges? It’s crucial to understand the consequences of such charges to determine possible defense strategies. Driving under the influence (DUI) refers to operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above the legal limit. The legal limit for individuals…

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