
Do you have to tell your employer if you’re arrested for a DUI?

A DUI arrest can begin changing your life immediately. If you were arrested and released from jail after posting bail or on your own recognizance, you may have to wait some time before your first hearing before a judge. In the meantime, you won’t have your driver’s license.   You’re likely feeling some combination of…

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Is an Oklahoma DUI a misdemeanor or felony offense?

There are numerous criminal charges that Oklahoma prosecutors can pursue against someone accused of intoxication at the wheel. Those with a slightly elevated blood alcohol concentration (BAC) who are not technically over the legal limit might face driving while intoxicated (DWI) charges. Those with a BAC of over 0.08% and those who demonstrate obvious…

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When can prescription drugs lead to an Oklahoma DUI or APC?

Impaired driving is illegal in every state, although the laws criminalizing intoxication at the wheel are slightly different in every state across the country. In Oklahoma, many people refer to drunk driving charges as driving under the influence (DUI) offenses. However, when looking at criminal statutes, it can be more reasonable to refer to…

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2 ways drunk driving puts someone’s CDL at risk

Securing a commercial driver’s license (CDL) in Oklahoma requires more effort than obtaining a standard driver’s license. There are additional educational and testing requirements, and an individual who obtains a CDL will be subject to more traffic regulations, including federal statutes that do not apply to those in passenger vehicles. One of the realities…

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What are the consequences of repeat DUI charges in Oklahoma? 

Are you facing DUI charges? It’s crucial to understand the consequences of such charges to determine possible defense strategies. Driving under the influence (DUI) refers to operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above the legal limit. The legal limit for individuals…

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The dangers of boating under the influence

Most people understand that driving under the influence (DUI) is a crime. Still, they usually only think about cars or motorized vehicles on the road. Fewer people know Oklahoma’s “BUI” law, which stands for boating under the influence. With summer around the corner, it is essential to understand the law in this area, especially…

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What to do if you are pulled over for drunk driving

An enjoyable night on the town with old friends, maybe some you haven’t seen in a while, could lead to a life-changing traffic stop. Perhaps you innocently had a few cocktails. When the party was over, you decided that you were okay to drive. As you head home, you see the reflection of flashing…

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Does expungement remove a DUI from my record?

Getting arrested for drunk driving is more than just embarrassing, it can cause significant professional and personal difficulties. Once you have served your time, paid your fines, and completed everything the court asked of you, you can move on … right? Unfortunately, this is not always true. The completion of the sentence does not…

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Is there a marijuana DUI test?

The law is clear: in Oklahoma, it is against the law to drive while under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. But these two substances are not the same thing. Though both impair your driving ability, their effects on the body differ. And one of them is much harder for the authorities to detect…

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What to expect at a victim impact panel

Oklahoma law accounts for multiple types of drunk driving that encompass various punishment levels. They include: DUI – Driving under the influence DWI – Driving while impaired APC – Actual physical control DUI with a child in the vehicle Felony DUI if the arrest occurred within ten years of the first DUI Manslaughter Regardless…

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