
The results of impaired driving in Oklahoma

Operating a vehicle while under the influence includes risk and has consequences, and almost all of them are negative. Either you make it home safe, you get into a car crash and have to face it’s often sobering result or you get pulled over and receive a DUI. If you receive a DUI, you…

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Obtaining bail in a DUI case

After an individual is taken into custody in Oklahoma, he or she is typically booked in a local jail. During the booking process, authorities will record personal information about the person who is in custody as well as confiscate any personal belongings. Those belongings are returned to that person upon his or her release….

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What to know about DUI arraignments

Within a few days of being taken into custody in Oklahoma for DUI, an individual will be arraigned. During the proceeding, a judge will read the charge that the defendant faces and ask if he or she needs an attorney. The defendant will also be asked if he or she wishes to plead guilty…

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Gain the advantage before your case ever goes to trial

You’re looking at criminal charges for drinking and driving, and you just want the process to be over. But taking a deal or entering a guilty plea might skip over a good chance at getting the upper hand. Police arrest over 3,000 people every day in the U.S. for drinking and driving. But not…

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How DUI penalties change for repeat offenses

DUI in Oklahoma Anyone who has been arrested for driving under the influence and convicted knows that the penalties are harsh. As a refresher, someone could be arrested for driving, operating, or otherwise being in physical control of a motor vehicle: With a blood alcohol content of 0.08% While clearly under the influence of…

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Auto-brewery syndrome might mimic drunk driving

A rare gastrointestinal condition might make people in Oklahoma intoxicated when they haven’t consumed any alcohol. Auto-brewery syndrome, or ABS, occurs when consumed carbohydrates ferment in the gut. Fermentation can occur to the point that alcohol is produced. This alcohol can quickly cause a person to become intoxicated. Several case studies have been done…

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Factors that can determine a Breathalyzer’s reliability

People often think blowing over the legal limit makes them guilty of a DUI. However, that’s not always the case. Like most pieces of technology, Breathalyzers aren’t always reliable. If one can prove they didn’t blow over the legal limit, the charges held against them could be dropped. What can cause a Breathalyzer to…

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Oklahoma sees new changes in DUI laws

Previously, Oklahoma drivers arrested for DUI charges had to request an administrative hearing with Service Oklahoma to challenge license suspension rulings. However, recent changes in DUI laws will modify where you can appeal your case and what options are available for you after a DUI arrest. Changing the appeals process You can face license…

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DUI’s can have a long-term impact on college students

College is a time of growth for students. The rigorous academic environment can inspire them to devote more time than ever to their studies. However, there are many life lessons learned during this time as well. The most significant change for many is living away from home for the first time, with all the…

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What should I do if the police stop me for a DUI?

Picture this scenario. It is the weekend and all of your friends are heading out to the bar. You are not planning on staying out very long, so you decide to drive yourself instead of catching a ride. The evening turns out to be more exciting than you initially expected, and you end up…

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