
Possible consequences of a first DUI

Those who are charged with drunk or impaired driving in Oklahoma or any other state could face a variety of negative consequences. For instance, it may be possible to lose a driver’s license, spend time in jail or pay a fine if convicted of the charge. In some cases, an individual may face a…

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Oklahoma grapples with marijuana impairment rules

Lawmakers in Oklahoma are trying to take proactive steps to minimize the number of drivers who operate vehicles while impaired by marijuana. Fatal accidents caused by drivers who were under the influence of the substance increased 10% in Washington after the drug was legalized in that state. While it cannot be used for recreational…

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Man facing charge of aggravated DUI after hitting school bus

A driver in Oklahoma was charged with aggravated DUI and child endangerment after he hit a school bus with his truck. The man was also accused of failing to stop for the school bus and carrying an open container. At the time of the accident, the driver was serving probation for a 2018 DUI…

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What happens if I get a DUI on probation?

Being placed on probation grants you the privilege of serving your sentence in the comfort of your own home. Though, you could have some restrictions placed on you, as well. For example, you might have to meet with a probation officer on a regular basis or perform a certain number of community service hours….

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Understanding potential enhanced sentencing for DUI charges

Oklahomans who are confronted with charges related to driving under the influence will have many concerns. These include possible jail time, fines, lost driving privileges and more. What can make the situation worse is if there are enhanced DUI sentences. When arrested for DUI, it is wise to know what can spark a sentence…

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The results of impaired driving in Oklahoma

Operating a vehicle while under the influence includes risk and has consequences, and almost all of them are negative. Either you make it home safe, you get into a car crash and have to face it’s often sobering result or you get pulled over and receive a DUI. If you receive a DUI, you…

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Obtaining bail in a DUI case

After an individual is taken into custody in Oklahoma, he or she is typically booked in a local jail. During the booking process, authorities will record personal information about the person who is in custody as well as confiscate any personal belongings. Those belongings are returned to that person upon his or her release….

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What to know about DUI arraignments

Within a few days of being taken into custody in Oklahoma for DUI, an individual will be arraigned. During the proceeding, a judge will read the charge that the defendant faces and ask if he or she needs an attorney. The defendant will also be asked if he or she wishes to plead guilty…

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Gain the advantage before your case ever goes to trial

You’re looking at criminal charges for drinking and driving, and you just want the process to be over. But taking a deal or entering a guilty plea might skip over a good chance at getting the upper hand. Police arrest over 3,000 people every day in the U.S. for drinking and driving. But not…

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How DUI penalties change for repeat offenses

DUI in Oklahoma Anyone who has been arrested for driving under the influence and convicted knows that the penalties are harsh. As a refresher, someone could be arrested for driving, operating, or otherwise being in physical control of a motor vehicle: With a blood alcohol content of 0.08% While clearly under the influence of…

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