
How to Defend Manslaughter DUI Charges in Oklahoma

A driving under the influence (DUI) charge becomes even more serious when it results in a manslaughter allegation. Prosecutors aggressively pursue convictions in these cases, making a strong defense strategy essential. Understanding your legal options and potential defenses can help protect your rights and fight back against the manslaughter DUI charges in Oklahoma you are facing….

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Are Multiple DUIs Eligible for Expungement in Oklahoma? 

A conviction for driving under the influence (DUI) can have long-term consequences, but in some cases, expungement may provide a path forward. While Oklahoma allows certain DUI convictions to be cleared from a criminal record, multiple offenses can make the process more challenging. Understanding the state’s DUI expungement laws can help determine whether you qualify and…

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Can You Travel Internationally With a DUI on Your Record? 

Getting a DUI in Oklahoma has far-reaching consequences on life. Your ability to travel internationally may be limited or denied in some instances. Working with an Oklahoma DUI defense attorney is the most beneficial way to navigate the long-term impact of a DUI on international travel and your life. Review a Country’s Laws on International Travel…

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What Are My Rights If I Get Pulled Over For A DUI In Oklahoma City?

If you get pulled over for driving under the influence (DUI) in Oklahoma City, you have rights. While you may have given your implied consent as a licensed driver, you have the right to revoke that consent, though you would be subject to serious penalties. You also have the right to decline a field…

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How Long Does a DUI Stay on Your Criminal Record in Oklahoma?

When you are found guilty of driving under the influence (DUI), you may be anxious to put this mistake behind you. Ready to move on with your life, you may wonder how long a DUI stays on your criminal record in Oklahoma. Unfortunately, DUI convictions will remain on your record indefinitely unless you qualify…

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Parents are at elevated risk of a felony DUI charge

A variety of different situations can worsen the outcome of driving under the influence (DUI) charges in Oklahoma. If a motorist has multiple prior offenses on their record, the courts are more likely to hand down harsh penalties. Prosecutors can bring more serious charges against those who cause crashes that lead to injury or…

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How does blood alcohol concentration affect driving abilities?

Drivers must ensure that they’re in good condition to drive. One thing that they must avoid is impaired driving. Most drivers know that it’s illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of over .08% for drivers who can legally consume alcohol, but some may not understand why that number is important. While…

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Can a personal breath test help someone avoid a DUI charge?

Anyone who regularly enjoys alcohol and drives their own vehicle could be at risk of criminal prosecution. Police officers arrest people every day for driving under the influence (DUI) offenses. Many people accused of drunk driving did not realize that they were over the legal limit prior to their arrests. It is quite difficult…

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Many drivers face DUI charges due to their legal medication

Most people associate driving under the influence (DUI) charges with alcohol. After all, that is the focus in most media representation and awareness campaigns. Drivers understand that they could end up in jail if they decide to drive after having too much to drink. Many people also recognize that the state could charge them…

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3 things drivers should know about field sobriety tests

If a police officer suspects someone of drunk driving, they will almost certainly look for ways to confirm that suspicion. During a traffic stop or after a crash, a police officer may ask someone very specific questions. They may also request that someone perform field sobriety tests or submit to chemical breath testing. The…

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