What Are The Implied Consent Warnings?

In Oklahoma, an officer is required to read you a document designated as the Implied Consent Test Request, which has been created by the Oklahoma Board of Tests for alcohol and drug Influence. The request reads as follows:

  1. You have been arrested, and the arresting officer has reasonable grounds to believe that you were driving or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants.
  2. You are requested to submit to a test or tests for the purpose of determining the presence and concentration of intoxicants in your body.
  3. The test will be a (Breath) (Blood) test and will be administered at no cost to you.
  4. In addition to this test, you may at your own expense have an additional test of your choice, provided that a sufficient quantity of any specimen obtained shall be available to the state for testing.
  5. You are not entitled to consult with a DUI defense attorney in Oklahoma prior to making your decision on whether or not to submit to the state’s test.
  6. You may refuse the state’s test, but as a consequence your driver’s license will be revoked or denied by Service Oklahoma.
  7. If you consent to testing, are 21 years of age or older and the test result is .08 or more alcohol concentration, your driver’s license will be revoked or denied by Service Oklahoma. If you are under the age of 21 and consent to testing and the test result is .02 or more alcohol concentration, your driver’s license will be revoked or denied by the Service Oklahoma.
  8. Will you take the state’s test?

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