Chemical Testing And DUI Defense

After a DUI arrest, you may be required to undergo chemical testing to check your blood alcohol concentration. Understanding what happens and how it can impact your defense is important.

Fabian & Young, is Oklahoma’s oldest DUI defense firm, offering over 50 years of experience serving clients in Oklahoma City and surrounding cities. We have successfully defended thousands of people against DUI charges. If you or someone you know needs a DUI defense lawyer in Oklahoma, our attorneys can offer you the defense you need. Contact us today for a free consultation.

How Does Chemical Testing Differ From Field Sobriety Tests?

Chemical tests and field sobriety tests are two different methods used by law enforcement to determine if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Field sobriety tests (FSTs) are physical and cognitive tests administered on the spot during a traffic stop. For example, the Walk-and-Turn (WAT) or the One-Leg Stand (OLS).

On the other hand, chemical tests are scientific tests that measure the presence and concentration of alcohol or drugs in the body. Examples include breath tests, blood tests and urine tests.

Are Chemical Tests Mandatory In Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, chemical tests are mandatory under the state’s implied consent laws. By obtaining a driver’s license in Oklahoma, you implicitly agree to submit to chemical testing if arrested for driving under the influence (DUI).

Refusing to take a chemical test can result in immediate penalties, such as license suspension lasting six months for the first refusal.

Can The Results Of A Chemical Test Impact My Case?

Yes, the results of a chemical test can significantly impact your DUI case. The prosecution can use the test results to establish that you were driving under the influence, especially if your BAC is above the per se limit of 0.08%. This is the point at which you are legally drunk.

The results of a chemical test can also lead to enhanced charges. For example, having a BAC of 0.15% or higher can result in more severe penalties upon conviction, including longer license suspensions, higher fines and extended jail time.

Call a DUI Lawyer in Oklahoma Today

Facing DUI charges can be overwhelming, but chemical tests can be successfully challenged in many situations. Call 405-232-4384 today or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation.