Oklahoma's Oldest DUI Defense Firm

Attorneys Stephen G. Fabian Jr. and Brian P. Young

DUI Penalties In Oklahoma

405-232-4DUI (4384) or Toll-Free: 1-877-HELP-DUI (435-7384)

Based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the DUI defense attorney team at Fabian & Associates Inc, P.C., represents clients throughout Oklahoma at DUI trials as well as Department of Public Safety (DPS) hearings.

We have enjoyed remarkable success in defending clients at DPS hearings (civil hearings to determine if you get to retain your driver’s license) as well as at DUI trials.


You only have 15 days to make a written request for a hearing, or you will lose your right to a hearing and most likely your driver’s license.

If you have been charged with DUI or APC, contact our aggressive DUI defense team immediately , to increase your chances of prevailing at trial and before you lose some of your rights.

Oklahoma Penalties For A DUI Conviction

The fines and possible jail time is dependent on the court to which you were assigned and the number of prior DUI convictions. The following are the potential consequences for a DUI conviction listed by court:

Municipal court – up to $500 fine and 30 days in jail
Court of record – up to $1250 fine and 6 months in jail
District court (county court) – up to $1000 fine and 1 year in jail

The following are potential consequences for a DUI conviction based on criminal history and severity:

Felony DUI – up to $2500 fine and 5 years in jail
Second offense felony DUI – up to a $5000 fine and 7 years in jail
Third offense felony DUI – up to 10 years in jail
Manslaughter one (Man 1) – for a death resulting from an accident where you are charged with a DUI — the penalty can range from 4 years to life imprisonment

To speak with one of our experienced Oklahoma City drunk driving defense lawyers regarding your DUI charges, please call us at 405-232-4DUI (4384) or toll free at 1-877-HELP-DUI (435-7384), or complete our intake form on our Contact Us page. No one will fight harder to protect your rights.